Season after pentecost

We are in the long liturgical season of "greening" or growing with Christ. This is a time for committing as disciples and engaging head and heart in all that we do. We explored the popular series, "Bluey" throughout the summer. 

We hosted an asylum clinic for immigrants who've recently arrived and are seeking asylum on August 18, 2024.

We will explore the spiritual practices that sustain us beginning September 1. 


Sunday, May 19 at 10am will be our first time back together in worship since Easter. We will reflect on our experiences in Eastertide and create a living lantern that symbolizes the fire and presence of the Holy Spirit as we do a new thing. 

2024 Eastertide

For the season of Lent, we focused on Bearing Witness, and showing up with heart and voice to the things that bring pain as well as joy into the world. By bearing witness together, we keep ourselves proximate to the everyday suffering that Christ's body endures daily. Poetry for Palestine, Day of Remembrance for incarcerated Japanese Americans, ongoing vigils with the Northwest Detention Center, and the Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage made for a rich Lenten season.

But we are Easter people! And the risen Christ rises in each of us whenever we rise up to love, and justice, and compassion. So, for this season of Eastertide, let's focus more on gathering and enjoying life together. 

We will not gather for Sunday worship in the month of April and the few weeks of May. We return to worship on May 19 for Pentecost celebration at 10am.  


This theme is an attempt to put our bodies proximate to others' experiences, so that we may be in solidarity and go and tell. To bear witness is to embody and encounter in the present and in the future. It requires us to be awake, to be present, to act with courage, and to tell the truth. We must bear witness to places of brokenness and injustice in the world, but as a people of a different way, the Way of Jesus; an alternate narrative in this world -- we also bear witness to awe. May this be a time of not looking away from injustice and going to tell about it. May it also be a time of finding awe in the everyday, and going to tell about it as well. 


Poetry for Palestine 

February 16, 6-8pm

Day of Remembrance 

(Japanese American Solidarity with La Resistencia)

February 18, 1pm

Tacoma City Council

Mass Poor People's & Low Wage Workers' State House Assembly

March 2, 10am Assembly

Service Day at Ayeko Farm

March 16, 11am-4pm