As of May 21, 2023 we have updated our masking policy. Please read and commit to this Pledge of Care before joining our community. As always, your health and the most vulnerable are important to us.
WORSHIP WITH US at 10am on First and Third Sundays
Our Sunday worship services are guided by liturgy that is printed out on a bulletin. There are no set roles outside of communion and preaching, so one can always participate by reading sacred text. We practice our commitment to undoing white supremacy in the way we embody appreciation, foster a culture of learning, and lower barriers to participation. No experts here! Fellow pilgrims on a journey toward liberation. To stay up-to-date on all things with the congregation, please read our recent newsletter which can be accessed through our newsletter archive.
Advent and Christmas are over and these Epiphany star words will guide us for the year. Join us on 1st and 3rd Sunday mornings for in-person worship.
Another way to deepen our discipleship is through regular study of scripture. Our Decolonizing Bible study has been on hiatus since July 2024 but will return in the new year. It is an exploration of scripture and the world with the Enfleshed liturgy commentary as our guide.
To join any of our community gatherings, Bible study or worship, please email Rachel Ahrens in the office to be added to the listserve and receive log in instructions for joining via Zoom when applicable.
We understand our work as disciples is to re-organize the world, and that means building power among the "powerless" of the world. From Ched Myers: "The 'fishers of people' idiom was a divine summons to working folk to join Jesus in overturning the structures of power and privilege in the world, in order to restore both Creation and justice to the poor." We do this through Common Good Tacoma.